Saturday, May 26, 2007

More Work at Home Scams

Paid Surveys-Fact or Fiction?

Today I spent 3 hours looking at and registering for online surreys. I found a fellow blogger’s website titled “How To Avoid Work At Home Scams” that promised me the key to websites where I could make money without getting fleeced.

After scrolling through the offers like “camera dollars” which this woman claimed her friend has made thousands on just from having a digital camera, I was intrigued. I own and know how to operate a digital camera. I decided to check it out, Lo and behold, the site asked me to buy their software that would teach me how to take pictures like a professional then give me some tips on how to sell them online. I didn’t bite.

The next one that looked promising was a long list of paid surveys. The thing that impressed me is that she had them listed with a direct link to their website. Each website described what they offered ranging from sweepstakes entries to anywhere from $1.00-$80.00 per survey.

I choose the three that were directly offering money as opposed to prizes or a chance to win a dream vacation or a sweepstakes entry.

So I clicked, and I clicked. And I entered my name and my email address and set up accounts and passwords. None of the one’s that I selected asked me for any money up front. Within minutes the survey offers started “pouring in” like promised.

Now for the fine print. Each link that promised me $15.00, $30.00 or a free product took me to another site where I had to sign up for a credit card offer, a book of the month club, monthly movies online or any other fee based monthly offer in order to receive my payment. Furthermore, each “free” survey wanted me to enter my credit card information for “verification purposes.”

The net -net of my research?

All of these “free” sites cost me three hours in research, an inbox full of spam and junk mail offers and no actual money. Although the above mentioned sites offered money for your time and participation, the bottom line is that the money can only be earned by spending money and they are yet another phishing site wanting your information. So the bottom line is to be just as careful of the sites that tell you “ How to avoid work at home scams” because they often are offering programs that are the biggest scams.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

No More Employees

From my experience as an owner of a manufacturing company for fifteen plus years, I believe I can show you some of the advantages of operating a home based business and keeping it simple. One really big advantage is that you don’t have to hire and manage any employees.

Good employees are great and very necessary when you are building a conventional business and want to grow, but the process of hiring and maintaining a number of people can be not only time consuming but very nerve racking. You need to constantly hire, supervise, encourage, and discipline your staff. The time involved in this can keep your doing many of the other duties that are necessary to bring money in the door such as sales and marketing. How great it is to find a home based business that has a set program where you can join, get great help and guidance and not have to hire employees.

Helping You Find Peace and Prosperity
David Carroll

Monday, May 7, 2007

Work From Home Scams

Watch out for these Work From Home Scams
So many people these days are looking for that perfect work from home opportunity. Unfortunately, for every legitimate home based business opportunity out there, there are just as many shady internet businesses that you can operate from home.
If you're asking "how do I know if an online job is a scam?" our first advise is - if it sounds to good to be true it usually is. No legitimate work at home business will make financial guarantees & they wouldn't call it "work" if actual work wasn't involved. Think before you click. Next you should be sure to read the fine print.
Home Typist Scam
Recently, I answered an ad on Craig’s List for a part time typist. What came to me was an email instructing me to send $10.00 to a paypal account then I would receive a “training manual” explaining how I could essentially set up ad’s scamming other people out of $10.00. Bottom-line, not legitimate and no typing involved.
Online Survey Scam
Another ad promised that you could make $300-$500 a week by completing online survey’s. An email inquiry brought a response with 7 links and a message “I highly encourage you to sign up for all 7!”
Well guess what? Each site was a promotional advertisement asking you to go to OTHER sites and complete a set number of product trials/tests and/or credit card offers in order to be entered into a sweepstakes. In the fine print they also stated that each additional site “could potentially add spyware to your computer to track which sites you visit”. If you are familiar with spyware, that is NOT something that you want on your pc. After opening 2 of these sites I had to spend 3 hours running full system scams on my computer as well as ad are program removal and system clean up’s.
Envelope Stuffing Work From Home Scam
A third site asked if I wanted to make BIG BUCKS by stuffing envelopes from home. I sent my information spelling my first name incorrectly. Lo and behold, in just a few short hours my junk mailbox was filled with spam from other companies addressed to that name. So in essence, that “offer” was simply a phishing site created to get you to enter your email address so they could rent it to other companies.
Work From Home That Is Not A Scam
The bottom line is, be careful what sites you look at and open as well as what you are signing up for. Work from home is not a scam, it is a growing trend. However while there are quite a few legitimate home business opportunities out there, their are just as many get rich quick scams.
Remember ... Think before you Click!

Helping You Find Peace and Prosperity
David Carroll

Thursday, May 3, 2007


The Baby Boomer generation is becoming the "retirement generation." Some boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) have already retired, however most are still working. And wondering can you afford to retire.
The federal government's social security web site states that retirees will need about 70% of their pre-retirement income to maintain the same lifestyle. Check the Social Security benefits calculator to see what your estimated Social Security benefits will be. You will probably realize that you better have an impressive retirement and investment portfolio.
Do you have a retirement portfolio of $500,000?
A $500,000 retirement portfolio averages out to $46,000 a year. Stan Hinden, in the September, 2006, AARP Bulletin reports that more than half of workers 55 and over state they've saved less than $50,000 for retirement.
Reasons you might not be prepared for retirement?
People change jobs
. Unfortunately, changing jobs frequently means we've missed out on becoming fully vested in some of our employers' 401K plans. Our payouts or rollovers have been tiny or nonexistent
Unexpected Expenses. Large medical expenses for ourselves, our children, or our elderly parents can be real retirement-wreckers.
Divorce. Splitting a relationship often means splitting retirement savings.
College. To cover the rising cost of our children's college educations, many borrowed from our 401Ks to finance ever-escalating college costs.
Child-care / Elder-care. Dropping out fo the workforce altogether or for a period of time to care for elderly parents, children or grandchildren.
Living Pay-check-to-Pay-check. Some have worked hard and budgeted carefully, but have never had much of anything left over to save.
Reduced Retirement Benefits. A recent trend is for major companies to reduce retirement benefits to workers. Those workers had stayed with jobs and believed that the company would be there for them in their retirement years. Cuts in post-retirement health insurance are the most unpredictable.
What to do to address your retirement plan issues?
Our recommendation is to focus on building up your retirement nest egg, NOW!

Helping You Find Peace and Prosperity
David Carroll

How to Make A Career Change

Second Career ... How to make a career change to a Home Based Business
Making a career change can be both scary and exciting. For many, the fear of the unknown or the fear of doing something alone stops them from taking some risk. We have found that the key to successfully making a career change is to NOT be alone, to have guidance, support and mentorship.
Find a Company where you are not alone. You want to associate yourself with a company that will help you make a career change with plenty of coaching through all phases of the processes; training, mentorship, and business and marketing guidance as needed.
Have more free time The idea is to find a home based business opportunity that will enable you to have more free time … the training and first months can all be part time as well! You can make your career change as slowly or quickly as you wish.
Transition into the second career For those looking for a low risk solution and are willing to work hard, you can begin the home based business while continuing your existing job. However if you are determined and financially motivated, you will be quitting your job sooner rather than later. You may find that you will make more in the first few months of your part time career than you could in an entire year of your full time job.
Look for a company that will provide you with a wealth of information and consultations during the decision process. Then get people that are available during the home training period. And once you are ready, they will mentor you through the start-up of your new home-based business.
Recently an acquaintance and I were having dinner and she shared with me her frustration at her job. After almost 12 years working for non-profits, she felt that she was experiencing career burnout and becoming disenchanted with her career choice.
For many years she enjoyed the challenge and rewards that came with helping others in need. Now, as a young parent wanting to pay for private schools for her daughter’s as well as numerous extra curricular activities, she was in a position where she wanted to make more money and be able to provide some of the nicer things in life for her family.
More importantly, she had lost the excitement that she once had for her job. Having worked in various parts of the system including special events, marketing and program management, she felt that she was ready for a change but not wanting to go back to school. How then, she asked me, could she make a career change without reinventing the wheel or going back to school and spending more time and money? Since I myself was once in a similar situatuion, I now could offer support as a second career mentor. by explaining to her a home business opportunity .
So look for and find a Second Career, Once you have mastered it, take the time to mentor someone else and teach them what you have learned. In this way you will find not only financial freedom but true peace and prosperity.

Helping You Find Peace and Prosperity
David Carroll

Five steps to make a Career Change!

If you are frustrated at your job, are feeling career burnout or have become disenchanted with your career choice, you might be looking for a career change. You can make the change to your job or career in five simple steps:
1) The Opportunity
Learn about a home based business opportunity. Contact the company to schedule a phone appointment and find out how you can begin to make your dreams come true!.
2) Make the Decision
A home based business is simple, easy to implement with minimal initial investment. It is your secret to financial freedom but not magic, you must make the decision and commit to the simple business model.
3) Time Commitment
Part of the beauty of the right home based business model is that most entrepreneurs in this business only work part time and most new comers only need to work part time as well. You really need to commit to 20 hours a week, and this is often easy to accomplish before quitting your job.
4) Begin the Transition
You should not be alone. Find a company that will mentor you during the transition with coaching and marketing guidance.
5) Quit your current job / career
Many have found that they can make more money within the first few months than they had made in an entire year. The decision to quit your current job or career will be easy.
Again, take the time to learn about an opportunity that can easily change your life!

Helping You Find Peace and Prosperity
David Carroll

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Escape The Rat Race!

Tired of being chained to a desk from 9-5 Monday through Friday? Worn out from punching a time clock every day? Weary of those paltry 2% raises? Its time to be your own boss!
When I was in grade school I wanted to be a cowboy. In high school I dreamed of pitching in the major leagues. During college I decided to go into residential real estate. For the majority of my adult life I ended up working is sales and marketing.
For the last 20 plus years I have worked for a variety of companies answering to someone else’s rules and living by their pay scale.
FINALLY, at the age of almost 60 I have decided to escape the rat race and have been able to once again reinvent myself and find financial success and freedom.
I have managed to change over the years with my lifestyle, goals and dreams. But I always knew that I wanted to be successful while being my own boss and making the money I thought I deserved.
Finally I have found the secret.
I was when I first thought of starting my own home based business. Another pyramid scam with cold calls and mass mailings? That's not for me!
Hi, My Name is Dave Carroll and over the past few months I have been able to be a cowboy on vacation in the mountains, attend baseball games in the middle of a weekday with the grandchildren and take my wife on a romantic getaway on the spur of the moment like I have always dreamed of doing.
Why? Because I have stopped punching a time clock and found a way to achieve financial success and be my own boss in a matter of months!
Yes, I have broken the mold and escaped the rat race while being my own CEO and boss.
If you are looking for something to change your life and give you the power to decide what you want and the faith in yourself to get it, then look for a system that will let you escape the Rat Race.

Helping You Find Peace and Prosperity
David Carroll

The Secret

Read, Learn, Live ... The Secret!
Millions have heard about The Secret and its potential for life changing results. Whether or not you are already living your dreams, and have obtained financial freedom, you may be interested in learning how to live “The Secret”.
If you are a positive pereson willing to go after their dreams you make be interested in the principles of " The Secret"
So what's the secret?
The Secret is truly the most outstanding book to date that we have published. I am so pleased that Rhonda Byrne was able to bring together this life-changing information so masterfully. She first did it for the movie of the same name that she produced, which has been a phenomenon in its own right. She then added, in only one month's time, incredible additional content to the transcript of the film that brings even more clarity to the reader. This is absolutely a book that people from all walks of life can read and then "get" the concept of The Secret. It allows them to then take it and apply it to their lives. Children, teenagers and adults of all ages are reporting miraculous stories of positive changes as a result. Rhonda Byrne is dedicated to maintaining the integrity of The Secret and to making sure that now, finally, the whole world knows about The Secret. You will want to share this with your friends and family and they will be grateful for it. This book gives hope for what many have been waiting for-- a shift in the way the world thinks. Its a very exciting time that we are living in, and I as well as everyone at Beyond Words and Atria Books are grateful to be a part of it. --Cynthia Black, President,Beyond Words Publishing
Find your own Secret to health, wealth and most importantly, happiness and self-fulfillment. Much like the award winning secret, you can learn how to make positives changes in your life that can and WILL lead to financial freedom, self-fulfillment and an increased sense of self-worth.

Helping You Find Peace and Prosperity
David Carroll

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Part Time Work From Home

Part Time Work From Home
Trying to make ends meet?
Are you looking for part time work in Winston-Salem NC? For part time jobs in Gulfport Mississippi? Have you always wondered what it would be like to work from home? Perhaps you should be looking for a part time home business for sale.
The Grind… The average American works 40-50 hours a week and that doesn’t include their daily commute. A typical day for many begins on or before 6am. Getting kids off to school. Jumping in the car to wait in traffic. Skipping meals. Sitting an another long commute back home. A short evening, in bed and up to do it all over again.
The Bleech… Then there’s the housework, laundry, grocery shopping, making dinner and help the kids with their homework before putting them to bed, only to start the entire process again the next day.
How to fit in the part time work & will it really help… With the price of gas and the length of commutes, your part time job must be strategically located or it’s not worth the time.
The working from home trend… In the past few years, both employers and employees have been looking for a solution and a better way to balance work and home life. Recently, working from home has become a popular option.
Is it for you? No commute means more time. Flexible time. Being motivated is important. The advantages of working from home are high, but it’ll never work if you can’t motivate your self to work. Consider this scenario; now I get up in the morning, spend time with my children while getting them off to school, then can leisurely read the morning paper while enjoying a cup of coffee. Then I go to my office, turn on my computer and begin working.
There are a lot of home businesses for sale, research them and try to identify a scenario where you are not completely alone. Having a virtual team or associates can keep you focused. Having a clear vision of the process and your role in the business model is critical. Support to help you obtain your first home business earnings is another key to success.

Helping You Find Peace and Prosperity
David Carroll