Thursday, May 3, 2007

Five steps to make a Career Change!

If you are frustrated at your job, are feeling career burnout or have become disenchanted with your career choice, you might be looking for a career change. You can make the change to your job or career in five simple steps:
1) The Opportunity
Learn about a home based business opportunity. Contact the company to schedule a phone appointment and find out how you can begin to make your dreams come true!.
2) Make the Decision
A home based business is simple, easy to implement with minimal initial investment. It is your secret to financial freedom but not magic, you must make the decision and commit to the simple business model.
3) Time Commitment
Part of the beauty of the right home based business model is that most entrepreneurs in this business only work part time and most new comers only need to work part time as well. You really need to commit to 20 hours a week, and this is often easy to accomplish before quitting your job.
4) Begin the Transition
You should not be alone. Find a company that will mentor you during the transition with coaching and marketing guidance.
5) Quit your current job / career
Many have found that they can make more money within the first few months than they had made in an entire year. The decision to quit your current job or career will be easy.
Again, take the time to learn about an opportunity that can easily change your life!

Helping You Find Peace and Prosperity
David Carroll

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